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Format theme comes with a built-in color scheme switcher and dark mode support. You can specify colors for light and dark mode.

Accent color

  1. Go to Settings → Site → Design & branding
  2. Click Customize → Brand
  3. Change color in Accent color setting

Dark mode Accent color

  1. Go to Settings → Site → Design & branding
  2. Click Customize → Site wide
  3. Change color in Dark mode accent color setting

Foreground accent color

The foreground accent color is used for links, buttons, and other elements that has background accent color. To prevent contrast issues, the foreground accent color should be lighter than the background accent color.

  1. Go to Settings → Site → Design & branding
  2. Click Customize → Site wide
  3. Change color in Foreground accent color setting

Dark mode Foreground accent color

  1. Go to Settings → Site → Design & branding
  2. Click Customize → Site wide
  3. Change color in Dark mode foreground accent color setting