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DocsOnFlowGhost Config

Ghost Config

All ghost themes provides package.json file with predefined configurations. You can edit this file to change the theme configurations.

Editing Theme Code is required to add these changes.

Posts per page

The posts_per_page defines the number of posts that appear in the blog list until it’s paginated. You can change it in the package.json file:

"config": { ... "posts_per_page": 8, ... }

Image sizes

Ghost can handle responsive image sizes, and this is defined in the package.json file, under the image_sizes property:

"config": { ... "image_sizes": { "32": { "width": 32 }, "70": { "width": 70 }, "120": { "width": 120 }, "320": { "width": 320 }, "500": { "width": 500 }, "800": { "width": 800 }, "1000": { "width": 1000 }, "1200": { "width": 1200 }, "1600": { "width": 1600 }, "2000": { "width": 2000 } }, ... }

The image sizes defined there will be used to generate copies of images at the specified sizes when uploading images in Ghost Admin.