
  1. Go to Settings → Site → Design & branding
  2. Click Customize → Site wide
  3. Change footer description in Footer description setting

Thesis theme comes with prebuilt footer copyright with links to Ghost and Thesis theme.

To modify the copyright text, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to Settings → Site → Design & branding Ghost change logo part 1
  2. Click Customize → Site wide
  3. Change footer copyright text in Footer copyright setting

Hiding “Published with Ghost & Thesis”

Code Injection is required to add custom CSS.

If you want to keep the copyright year and site title but hide only the “Published with Ghost & Thesis” part, you can add this custom CSS:

.footer-copyright > span {
  display: none;

To completely remove the copyright text, set the Footer copyright setting to a whitespace character. Note that leaving this setting empty will result in the default copyright text being displayed.